Hello Factory IoT hellofactory.co.kr Established in 2015, we focused on just one idea, “Let’s make the IoT world a reality.” We envisioned a system that simplifies life for everyone. In this digital era, our goal was to help the industry simplify the unwanted...
OPUS ONE IoT theopusone.com ‘OPUS ONE’ is a musical expression denoting the first composition within the masterwork of a composer. Imagine how maestros like Mozart and Beethoven created their first compositions, with great passion and dedication. Our goal is to create...
Magpie IoT magpie-tech.com The Magpie team considers coordination and mediation as our foremost value as a company. The world is full of opinions and imaginations. Our goal is finding new and improved solutions within these disparate state, by respecting one another’s...
Stratio Inc IoT stratiotechnology.com The Stratio idea was conceived by three PhD students in a small corner desk at Stanford University. As PhD students in Electrical Engineering, they knew about the myriad of advantages with infrared imaging – from material...
The Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) is looking for talented individuals to work for the Korea AeroSpace Administration (KASA), the national space agency representing the Republic of Korea. The… Read more: 「KASA Recruitment」
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